Have some questions about us or the application process? Find them here! If your question is not listed here, please contact us. We’ll usually respond within 24 hours.
Q: Will I receive notification of my successful application?
A: Yes. We will email you a confirmation usually within 24-hours of submission. If you do not hear from us within 48-hours of submission, please contact us.
Q: How wiLL the scholarship be paid?
A: We will send a check in the amount of your scholarship directly to the school on your behalf. This way, you do not have to pay income taxes on the scholarship.
Q: What if I do not currently attend a school to which you’re giving scholarships? Can I still apply?
A: No. We will open up scholarships to other schools as more resources become available. For the upcoming academic year, we are only awarding scholarships to students at either College of Marin, or California State University Monterey Bay at this time.
Q: My tuition is already paid. Can I still use the money for required materials such as books or supplies?
A: Yes. If there is a zero balance on your school account, the school will issue you a check.