Tentacles & Wings is Hosting an Art Exhibit and Silent Auction
We are seeking donations of art pieces from our community.
Are you a science illustrator, painter, sculptor or photographer?
Do you love to create in fibers, metals or recycled material?
I am pleased to announce that Tentacles and Wings is hosting a fundraising Art Exhibit and Silent Auction on July 20th, 2024. The exhibit will be held at the College of Marin Fine Arts Gallery with an opening reception and silent auction. We are seeking donations of art pieces from our community. Are you a science illustrator, painter, sculptor or photographer? Do you love to create in fibers, metals or recycled material? We hope you will consider donating a piece of your art to the show to help us continue to raise funds for scholarships for future students of the CSUMB Science Illustration Program, to facilitate the establishment of a lending library for the Science Illustration program and to continue expanding Marie’s Lending Library at College of Marin. We will produce a catalog for the show which will contain a short bio of each artist, including a link to your website. We are asking that the pieces be of a size that is transportable and can be readily hung or displayed. Ideally we would like to start collecting pieces by the end of June and have at least a description of the piece and your bio for the catalog by the beginning of June. We are asking each artist to please complete a donation form for each piece submitted. If you are not an artist, but still wish to support our programs, you can make a donation here. Please mark your calendars for July 20th and plan on attending the event! Any questions please email us.